giovedì 5 agosto 2010

Vita nei fondali rocciosi

" ... si pescava in profondità su crepaccio fondali rocciosi dove non si voleva correre il rischio di perdere un'ancora. « Non riesco a trovare nulla » disse lui. Aveva una fifa del diavolo a starsene laggiù col signor Sing ... "

Avere e non avere
Ernest Hemingway
Traduzione Vincenzo Mantovani

Acquario del Bioparco di Roma

8 commenti:

  1. Vita in laguna looks pretty fishy to me! ;-)

    In which laguna were these pictures taken? The fish look suspiciously tropical but the pictures are excellent!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Beautiful vivid colors. It's like I'm swimming with the fish.

  3. Wonderful photos !
    You have visited an aquarium !

  4. quels beaux spécimens de poissons dans
    cette mer bleue !

  5. The photos are excellent - I have tried to take photos of fish in an aquarium at our local museum and have not achieved good results. Poor lighting and thick glass possibly.

    The mottled / yellow and brown fish - is called a Meru (yellow belly rock cod), not sure about the other silver fish (stumpnose) possibly.

  6. Sembra che questi pesci stiano partecipando ad una sfilata ,che eleganza, che stile!!!!!!!!

  7. Wow! Big fishes! I also like visiting aquarium!
    I still remember the aquariums I visited in Melbourne and Auckland!


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